Issue #153
Date of Publication: January 20, 2016
Welcome to the eNewsletter which is designed to advance counselors’ level of technological literacy, application, and integration. You will find practical solutions and answers to technology related problems, especially as they apply to your job as counselor. If you would like to share a tip or trick, or if you would like to ask a question, e-mail Russ Sabella at
Must See Videos
New videos have been added since the last issue (click to go directly to the video):
- Katherine Pastor #SCOY 2016
- Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang – “One Day”
- Tea and Consent
- “Too Thin” Models Are Being Banned
- Adele – Hello Parody (Hella Cravings)
- Hello From The Mother Side
- Disabled Basketball Player is Given Help by Opposi…
- 360 video of the Blue Angels by USA TODAY
- Don’t be shocked if this happens.
- Who is your best friend?
- Life is Awesome (#3)
Newest Video Tutorials:
Using Word Styles (Video Tutorial)
Speed Dial the Internet: Quickly Access Your Most Popular Sites (Video Tutorial)
Google Forms Custom Themes & More (Video Tutorial)
Subscribe to the GuardingKids Blog
Click here to receive posts from, a website that supports my work on educating children, parents, educators and other stakeholders about the responsible use of technology. Included in these pages you will find helpful resources, lesson plans, links, and more.
Resources, Tools, and Tips
from Russ Sabella …
– Keeping Kids Out of High Tech Trouble. This blog supports Dr. Russell Sabella’s work on educating children, parents, educators and other stakeholders about the responsible use of technology. Included in these pages you will find helpful resources, lesson plans, links, and more. Russ’s most recent book and workshops are primary resources for meeting this mission.
– eNewsletter. The e-Newsletter is an electronic publication designed to advance counselors’ level of technological literacy, application, and integration. You will find practical solutions and answers to technology related problems, especially as they apply to your job as counselor.
– Must See Videos. When I see a video that would be useful, inspiring, enlightening among counselors, I post it here.
– Twitter. Postings about all things counseling, life, humor, and more.
– Pinterest. Lots of resources for counselors, parents, and others.
– YouTube. Counseling related playlists and more.
32 New Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10
From window management with Snap and Task View to virtual desktops and the Command Prompt, there are lots of new goodies for keyboard users in Windows 10.
Source: How-to-Geek
Move and Align Chart Titles, Labels, Legends with the Arrow Keys – (FREE Microsoft Addin from Excel Campus)
The free Chart Alignment Add-in for Excel allows you to quickly align the objects within a chart. The chart titles, labels, and legends can be moved using the arrow keys on the keyboard or with the alignment buttons in the add-in window. _____________________________________________
Convert PDF to Google Docs or MS Word using NEW Google Drive – YouTube
Google Forms Add-on:Choice Eliminator
This will eliminate options from a multiple-choice, list, or checkbox type of question. Great for signing up for time slots or having students choose topics without doubling up. Watch the demonstration video here:
Click here to go directly to the add-on for installation.
Color alternate rows of your Excel spreadsheet (aka zebra stripes) – YouTube
This is one of the many lessons included in For large data sets, it might be helpful to shade every other row to make it more readable on screen or in print. In this lesson, I show you 3 different ways to do just that.
Displaying the Filename in Word – YouTube
It is common to display the file name and its folders in the header or footer of a Microsoft Word document. It does not have to go in the header or footer it can go in the main body of the document.
Inserting a Non-Breaking Space (Microsoft Word)
When Microsoft Word calculates line width and wraps text to the next line, it tries to break the line at either a space or a hyphen. Sometimes, however, you may not want Word to break a line at a certain space. For instance, you may want to make sure that two adjacent words appear on the same line as each other (e..g, Mr. Smith). The answer is to use non-breaking spaces instead of regular spaces when you don’t want Word to break a line at a certain space. To do this, hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys as you press the Spacebar. Word will then not break the line at that point.
5 cool Google Drive features you probably aren’t using—yet
My new favorite is Bookmark “quick creation” links.
Mom This is How Twitter Works
Twitter is an online social networking tool in which users post 140 character updates of what is going on in their lives along with links to things they think are interesting, funny, or useful to their followers (“following” being essentially what “friending” is on other sites). This site is not a comprehensive guide as twitter is always adding new subtle features to make their service more useful and user-friendly, but this should demystify most of the basics. You can always visit to find out more.
James Madison University – Is it Real Training
Helps you to better identify phishing or spearing scams and avoid being taken.
Microsoft Excel: Clean data quickly with Flash Fill
Excel has many powerful & time-saving features. Even by Excel’s standard, Flash Fill is magical. Introduced in 2013, Flash Fill is a rule engine to Excel’s fill logic. Every time you type something in a cell, Excel will try to guess the pattern and offers to fill up the rest of cells for you.
How to Color Alternate Rows in Google Sheets
WizTree is a disk space analyzer. It scans your entire hard drive and shows you which files and folders are using the most disk space. It does this VERY QUICKLY. In fact, we believe WizTree to be the fastest application of this type in the world! Use the information WizTree provides to quickly locate and remove “space hogs” from your hard drive.
WARNING: Take care not to remove any files that are required for the correct operation of your PC! When in doubt, leave it alone. I find this program especially good for large video files (mp4) and music files (mp3) that seem to be all over the place on my hard drive.
Click here to learn more and download.
_____________________________________________ Resources for Parents
Also see
The Time Elapsed Analysis & Reporting System (T.E.A.R.S.) is a Microsoft Excel add-in that automatically calculates the total amount of time that you have spent in different aspects of your work. After exporting your calendar data from Microsoft Outlook to Excel, this add-in extracts elapsed time, sums up the number of hours in each category, and then produces both a table and a chart. If you ever wondered where your time goes, you will want to use T.E.A.R.S. to learn more.
My Top Recommended Software ADDINS (Chrome, Word, GDocs, Excel, etc.)
Links to many of my workshop handouts:
Teacher Recommended: 50 Favorite Classroom Apps from MindShift
School Counseling Networks
Here is a short list of some helpful networks which you can join, some of which require a registered account with the host. These networks can be very helpful for learning more about tools, resources, frequently asked questions, and more.

Quickly create a graphic and then, if you want, download or post to social media.
Someone Went And Edited Out All The Inside Parts Of Inside Out
This is a cool experiment: Jordan Hanzon has gone and taken Pixar’s Inside Out and edited out all of the scenes from Riley and her parent’s heads: the result is a poignant story of a girl adjusting to a new place.
List of Google “Now” Voice Commands
You pick up your phone and say “OK Google”… and then what? Your phone is listening. The microphone icon is pulsing. What do you say to your phone? What can you say to it? Google Now’s voice function has become surprisingly robust over the years. Check out this list of commands …
Powered Flight Deck of the Space Shuttle Endeavour photos
Also see other categories of amazing photos here.
Make Your Own Quiz, List or Poll | PlayBuzz
American Red Cross | Download Your FREE Estate Planning Guide and Workbook today!
Actually, not so much fun to think about but still very important. Collect and organize all of your important information in one place to help you write or update your will.
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